Demon Hunter Tank Azerite Traits/Powers and Armor in Battle for Azeroth
Demon Hunter Tank Azerite Traits/Powers and Armor in Battle for Azeroth

The majority of class cooldowns have been added to the GCD. Two of the strongest racial effects have received changes in BfA, with Arcane Torrent receiving a new effect and added to the GCD and Will to Survive having its cooldown increased.

  • Arcane Torrent and Every Man for Himself changed.
  • Demon Hunter Tank Azerite Traits/Powers and Armor in Battle for Azeroth

    Keep in mind that information is largely derived from the tooltips, so typographical errors may be intentional to match. Grey to green text indicate changes between Legion and the current version of Battle for Azeroth more information can be found by going to the Changelog within the relevant spell page. In this overview, we'll highlight all class abilities, as well as new, changed, or removed talents. Some Legion systems got reworked, like Honor talents, now active while questing with War Mode turned on, which also grants bonuses, like 15% extra experience while leveling.

    Demon Hunter Tank Azerite Traits/Powers and Armor in Battle for Azeroth

    Gameplay changes are also happening, as some abilities and spells that could be used together with others are now added to the GCD.

    Demon Hunter Tank Azerite Traits/Powers and Armor in Battle for Azeroth

    On top of those spells, the legacy from Legion lives on with different legendary effects and artifact traits returning in BfA as talents, baked into the core spec, or are now azerite traits, the BfA version of artifact traits. While there are many new abilities and spells, there are also returning ones, previously removed during pruning. These changes affect all specs, affecting Havoc Demon Hunters and Vengeance Demon Hunters alike, so what you knew about DPSing and Tanking in Legion is likely to be changed. In Battle for Azeroth, Demon Hunters have received many different class changes, ranging from Talent changes to Gameplay and Rotational changes.

    Demon Hunter Tank Azerite Traits/Powers and Armor in Battle for Azeroth