How much space is red dead redemtion 2 on ps4
How much space is red dead redemtion 2 on ps4

how much space is red dead redemtion 2 on ps4

Well, we got our hands on an early physical copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS4 and have been trying to figure this exact estimate out for ourselves. So the question on everyone's mind that is picking up Red Dead Redemption 2 tonight - how long is this game going to take to install? As we already know, both versions of Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4 and Xbox One come in at some rather hefty install sizes, so how long is it going to take to get all of that data onto your console? It's a tradition we've grown used to in this new console generation but I still miss the days of just popping in a disc and playing a game immediately. If you're picking up Red Dead Redemption 2 later tonight like potentially millions of others around the world are, you'll then have to engage in the act of installing the game on your platform of choice only to then sit around and scream at your download bar to fill up faster.

How much space is red dead redemtion 2 on ps4